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The secret to outfoxing Father Time.
Villagers have travelled several weeks to deliver their gift - a sacred secret they claim can...
The monks will put it through rigorous tests, often for years, before reaching their final verdict. But this special secret passes them all.The monks painstakingly scrawl their message on a withered piece of dried palm leaf and store it in their sacred library for future generations.
"Strong like a young man... Able to memorise three books of astrology...The soft skin of a 6-year-old child."
THE RULES HAVE CHANGED -- Feel younger with every birthday
Your age may climb with every passing year, but imagine feeling younger and younger as the years tick by...
Over the years, Health Sciences Institute has uncovered jaw-dropping breakthroughs for everything from arthritis to cancer to asthma. But an all-in-one weapon against the ravages of ageing? The legend even made me sceptical. In fact, I bet you're thinking some of the exact questions I had...
How can JUST ONE REMEDY help me feel younger every year?
That's the beauty of this ancient secret. I'll give you all of the details in just a moment, but this substance is packing a "whole body technique" that is beyond anything scientists have ever thought of. The result? Your hair is thick, full and beautiful. Your skin is visibly brighter and tighter. And the best part? Your body may actually be better able to combat cancer. Sounds great so far, right? That's just the beginning...
This sounds VERY POWERFUL. How do I know it's safe?
It IS powerful and you're right, anything that can target the dirty tricks of ageing should be approached with caution. But this rediscovered gem is hundreds of years old and is less toxic than a cup of table sugar.
How in the world have I not heard about this?
This secret has passed from village to village ever since the 14th century, but only within the last 10 years has the Thai government put its homegrown age-defying secrets to modern science's tests. And as you're about to find out, the results are so strong, you're going to want to get this information on this medical breakthrough as soon as you can. Once this is released - demand will be through the roof. Buddhist monks, ancient texts, a "fountain of youth" secret? It might sound like the plot to a new Indiana Jones movie, but get ready because when...
Legend has it that for hundreds of years this amazing herb has been keeping Thai villagers virile, surging with strength and as mentally on-point as they were thirty years prior.
But the ancient text, the youthful effects and the fact that certain villages have relied on this secret for centuries weren't enough...
At Health Sciences Institute, they want to know why it works.
Surely our understanding of physiology and medicine would prove that this ancient Buddhist secret is all in the mind, right? Not at all... In fact, it turns out this herb is infused with...
Miroesterol is a plant compound that safely mimics an oestrogen that's shared by both men and women.
Analysis has shown that miroesterol is nearly 3,000 times more powerful than soy isoflavones in boosting your body's oestrogenic activity. For women that could mean...
As a man, you might hear the word "oestrogen" and think, NO WAY. But don't worry. As the text says...
First, let me be clear. You're right to be concerned about oestrogen. As you age, testosterone levels can fall through the floor while oestrogen levels start to creep higher and higher. That can lead to a loss in energy, sex drive, a sagging gut and a receding hairline.
But here's the real medical marvel - this herb doesn't simply mimic oestrogen as many other phytoestrogens do - it's much smarter than that...
The fascinating fact behind this powerhouse...
One age-conquering secret - for men and women?
At first, you might think what's the big deal? But for any true age-defying remedy to really take effect - it usually works for one or the other.
But this ancient secret is special - and it's confounding scientists with its abilities. You see, by affecting the oestrogen in men and women, rather than boosting or decreasing it -- everyone gets special benefits.
Ladies, what if you could end the crippling effects of menopause like night sweats and cramping...Or smooth your skin for girlish good looks...Or even prevent the most dreaded form of cancer?
And men? You could hold on to your full head of hair...Maintain the healthiest prostate for control in the bathroom...Or return your strength and energy to levels you haven't seen since you went "over the hill."
That's the cutting-edge power of this ancient breakthrough. It's a technique science has been trying to master for decades, but it took an unearthed text to show us the way.
Order your copy of 17 Ways to Defeat Ageing without a Single Drug today and get all of the details!
Imagine, a secret plant discovered 700 years ago...Accomplishing a medical feat that modern day scientists struggle with to this day!
You see, the compound found in this youthful secret affects the oestrogen receptors.
That's fantastic news for men because when levels of oestrogen are too high, this one single herb ties up receptors so that oestrogen passes on by.
So you can press the pause button on ageing and...
This aging solution is so strong that when it comes to affecting hormone-dependent cancers - like breast cancer - scientists believe its active compound acts similarly to the breast cancer drug, tamoxifin.
But remember, it's proven safe.
That's right, when results come back this strong, the first reaction most researchers have is to say "make sure people stop using this immediately... It must be toxic!"
But when this hidden plant ran through an LD50 test (which measures the dosage that would affect a lab animal), it scored a super safe 40 after 14 days. Now, the lower the score, the more toxic so to put that in perspective - simple table sugar scores a 29!
It goes against everything we've come to know - but it's true. The Buddhist monks of the Northern Kingdom came to love, respect and value this gift from the jungles more than any of their findings.
And with their message from the past - this secret is now getting closer and closer to helping you halt ageing.
The possibilities for this herbal fountain of youth are endless. Research has already begun that will test this secret against cosmetic ageing, prostate concerns, osteoporosis and even Alzheimer's.
But for now - the source is extremely limited. You see, there are 13 different species of this plant - but this is the only one tested and proven to have the breath-taking power to reverse some of the side effects to ageing.
Right now, we only know of one source. It's reliable, safe, and considering this secret's powers and elusiveness - it's affordable.
And I want to give you every last detail - how it was discovered, the other ways it will make your feel stronger, more energetic and even smarter, but most importantly... How you can get it for yourself.
Today, you have the opportunity to take back your youth with what I consider to be the most important report for anyone over 60.
17 Ways to Defeat Ageing without a Single Drug is the groundbreaking report that shows you once and for all that...
One read through this life-enhancing report and you'll believe it, too. Ageing doesn't have to slowly ruin the quality of your life.
With this report in hand, you will instantly have access to 17 different secrets to feeling younger, smarter and even better looking.
Not only will your energy soar while your skin gets firmer and tighter - but you won't need a single prescription for these safe and proven breakthroughs.
With every turn of the page, a secret world will be unveiled to you - a world where devastating ageing isn't inevitable. Imagine rising from bed with bursting energy in the morning, savouring your day without aching hips and looking gorgeous through the night. You'll have all of the information on 17 different secrets that can help you get there in no time. Discover...
And it's all waiting for you in 17 Ways to Defeat Ageing without a Single Drug.
Every remedy and secret you will discover has been thoroughly researched by the Health Sciences Institute panel of experts.
Just like the amazing herb I told you about, these secrets are often handed down, time-tested and closely guarded.
But more importantly, they work fast against the ravages of ageing. Ageing is unlike every other health concern - because it's guaranteed to happen to everyone. But you can fight back.
The information on these 17 age-defying secrets was not easy to get. They stretch around the globe and are often so new, there's only a limited supply to go around.
But in 17 Ways to Defeat Ageing without a Single Drug we supply you with the detailed history, research and most importantly contact information that will rush these remedies right to your doorstep.
We've been given complete access and now we're sharing it with you. All of this life-changing information has taken years to acquire, but now you can have for just R299.95.
And I didn't even mention the secrets that could...
Every one of the secrets you're about to discover has the ability to bring ageing to a screeching halt. If you're concerned about your memory - you'll find your answer. If you're worried about preventing cancer - wait until you read about the astounding secret from Russia.
And of course, if you want to learn all about the ancient Buddhist secret that conquers ageing on every front...It can all be yours.
In fact, if the remedies you discover in 17 Ways to Defeat Ageing without a Single Drug don't have your energy soaring and your body feeling younger and stronger - simply give us a call and we'll return your full purchase price. No quibbles.
That way, there is NO RISK today. You can get all of the vital information, all of the contacts, all of these amazing secrets without any worry.
So let us send you your copy today. Ageing does not have to be painful. You can feel younger as the years go by - IF you know the secret. Get your copy of this special report today.